HelixUI v0.2.0 or later required
Description List
Added: v0.2.0
- First Key Term
- This is the description and/or data value.
- Second Key Term
- This is the description and/or data value. This paragraph shows the default wrapping that exists on this element. Description detail tags will wrap across multiple lines by default.
- Third Key Term
This is the description and/or data value. This third
description is an example of when you may have long strings
in your content that usually don't wrap across lines. The
CSS modifier class can be used on thedd
to achieve the wrapping when needed. This will break up strings and break a word.
Unordered List
Added: v0.10.0
- List Item 1
- List Item 2 with a bunch of extra text that should hopefully wrap to the next line if your screen is small enough.
- List Item 3
- List Item 3.1
- List Item 3.2
- List Item 3.3
Ordered List
Added: v0.10.0
- Child Item
- Child Item
- Child Item
- Child Item
- Child Item
- Child Item
- Child Item
- Child Item
- Child Item
- Child Item
- Child Item
- Child Item
- Child Item
- Child Item
- Child Item